Welcome to Fast Way Fencing Tie Offs 

Fast Way Fencing Tie Offs

Wire Tie Off pack of 10. This product will provide you with greater fencing efficiency as the end assembly Tie Off knot is completed for you. All you have to do is wrap the non knot end around the post, thread it through the knot and then complete the strain either with a Tie Off knot, Gripple or Fastlinks. This product works with all fencing wires, plain and barb and prefabricated rolls.    

Price per bundle of 10 $8.00 AUD

Postage is available Australia wide contact us for more details!

Special Deal 

For a limited time available we are now offering medium sized (2.2mm-3.5mm) Fastlink wire joiners now available for $44.00 AUD per packet of 20 making them $2.20 AUD per unit.

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