Fast Way Fencing Tie Offs Story!
Hi my name is Jayden Lee, and I am the founder and manager of Fast Way Fencing Tie Offs. I first started this business when I was 15 ½ years old and had been doing a lot of farm fencing with my family on our farm. I had the job of tying off around the strainer post as no one else's hands were able to fit in between the wallaby wire gaps. After doing this for a while and trying other products that just weren't working for us I decided it was time to take things into my own hands. After a lot of trial and error and hard thinking I had finally come up with a suitable yet unique product to carry out the task. After finally receiving a patent for the product it finally hit the market when I was 16 years old at the start of 2018. After many of hard worked hours and long days my business has grew and keeps growing thanks to the ongoing support of farmers and just everyday people Australia wide purchasing the product. We hope as a team that we will keep growing and in the future come out with some new products/services.
Jayden Lee